Aberdeen pupil tells of combating illness to achieve 5 As in Highers

Thousands of pupils in the north-east received their SQA results today but one Aberdeen student tells of how she had to overcome meningitis.

Victoria, who studies at Hazlehead Academy, was off for eight weeks with the disease but managed to get back on track and secure five As in her exams. 

She plans on staying on at school next year to do Advanced Highers in maths, chemistry and biology, before applying for university to study medicine. 

Victoria is thankful for her teachers: 

The SQA revealed passes were achieved by 78.8 percent of those sitting National 5s, 77.1 achieved a C or above for their Highers. and 78.9 percent in Advanced Highers. 

Despite the numbers being 'strong'  they fell from peaks reached during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

In a statement the SQA they ensure a sensitive approach was used to ensure fairness to all pupils in Scotland gaining results in 2023. 

“This recognised that learning and teaching are still in the recovery phase from the pandemic, and took that into account while maintaining the credibility and high standards of Scotland’s qualifications," the statement added. 

Another Aberdeen pupils says she feels exams results day is 'one of the most scary feelings she's experienced'. 

Deya Kidder's staying on at Cults next year to also study her advanced Highers after also achieving all As and is hoping to also study medicine in the future. 

Councillor Martin Greig's sent his congratulations to all students in the north-east. 

He added: "More and more people are undertaking alternative pathways including National Progression Awards, Foundation Apprenticeships and Higher National Certificates. It is important to offer a range of learning opportunities"


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