Aberdeen councillors given green light for city centre market plan project

Aberdeen councillors have been given the go head to purchase the former BHS site as well as Aberdeen Market to create a new go to place for the city centre.

Plans for the former market space and retail giant were revealed last week to convert the site into a spot for local vendors. 

The council's growth and resources committee agreed to funding applications for the wider project, for the council to undertake any necessary consultancy, design work and to enter into a contract to demolish the building either directly or with a development partner. 

Councillor and north-east MSP Douglas Lumsden said: "The purchase and redevelopment of Aberdeen Market and former BHS retail unit combined with associated public realm works on Union Street and to the south would bring transformational change to the heart of the city centre.

“It is an exciting opportunity to breathe new life into our city centre and would also help our hospitality industry which has suffered in the last 13 months due to the restrictions caused by Covid-19.

“I welcome the report to committee and also the positive reaction the proposed redevelopment of The Market has had with the public, the business sector, and other key stakeholders in the city.”

Current owners of Aberdeen Market are seeing to sell the building and the associated properties on Union Street and Market Street. 

It had been earmarked and given planning consent for office space.  

Meanwhile, a Beach Masterplan is to be developed to improve connectivity between the area and the city centre. 

The committee approved a report outlining the project which will include a public consultation and feasibility studies. 

City Centre Masterplan spokesperson Councillor Marie Boulton said: "The beach area is one of the best resources we have in Aberdeen in terms of leisure, tourism, and future potential so it is great we are embarking on a Masterplan.

"We look forward to the next stages to find out what the public would like from the area, and what is feasible." 

Preliminary discussions have been held with Aberdeen Football Club to see if it would be feasible for the club to build a new stadium at the beachfront. 

An update on the output of the technical feasibility studies, public consultation and proposed Beach Masterplan will be reported to the city, growth and resources committee on August 10. 

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